A Friday note to yourself…….
I had a conversation last night with friends about how we limit ourselves, how self-doubt can keep us from pursuing the things we want, and how we need to change our thoughts in order to create the lives we wish to live.
Like Wayne Dyer wrote, “Change your thoughts, Change Your life.”
If you feel stuck, this is a fabulous book by the way. I am reminded that most of us have these same feelings but yet we all have the power within to live the life we’ve always wanted. The Universe presents opportunities and sometimes I find I make excuses not to pursue them. Does this happen to you? I find I am my own worst sabotager often times running away instead of running towards things I want or making excuses like I’m not ready yet or stalling thinking there is always more time.
All my life my self-esteem seems to be tied to a number.
- The number on the scale.
- The number of my annual income.
- The number of Instagram Followers.
- The number in my bank account.
- The number on the calendar, the clock, Time…… it keeps ticking but how much time do I have! The minutes turn into days, then years, and have I accomplished all those things I’ve always wanted to do. The time will eventually run out. So why am I procrastinating always thinking I will have more.
This is probably why I hate Math. I really hate numbers! So I say, F the numbers! They don’t matter.
Life is about so much more than what you weigh, how much money you have, or how many followers you have. Don’t tie your self-worth to any number.
Like why am I driving myself crazy over these numbers! Seriously! Life is short, so I say this weeekend, this week, this year!
Drink the Champagne!
Eat the French Fries!
Take the Vacation!
Go try something new!
Buy a new outfit that makes you feel amazing!
Wear a Tiara if you want too.
Plan a night with your best friends and go out on the town.
Spend time with friends face to face instead of spending time with friends on social media.
Get lost in nature and enjoy the view!
This weekend live your life the way you’ve always wanted! Take a few minutes and journal about the person you’ve always wanted to be. How do they feel? What do they do? What are their passions? Be that person you always wished to be. Change your habits and thoughts to become who you want to be. I journaled “The Girl of my Dreams” and I am working on her although she’s been there all along right inside me.
Dream, Manifest, Achieve, & Believe……

I like to wear dresses and sparkles. Feeling good outside makes you feel good on the inside. So if I sparkle on the outside I hope I sparkle on the inside 🙂