This is a tribute to my dog, Polar Bear who died this week and a story on being a Fairy Godmother. It has a been a rough week. I’ve never been good at dealing with death. Polar Bear was my best friend and he was my dog. He died from a heart tumor. I couldn’t talk about it for days. I could barely get out of bed. Waking up, I just couldn’t face that he wouldn’t be there wagging his tail and pushing his favorite toy into my leg while I made coffee. He always knew how to make you laugh or smile. How could I get out bed and face the fact he wasn’t going to be there? No, it was easier to pull the covers back over me and cry.

Polar Bear loved the views
If you knew Polar Bear you would know that he was a lot like my personality. We both shared a fondness for talking, having fun, being with people, and wearing costumes. Polar Bear was the only vocal talking dog I’ve had. I have no idea what he was saying but he loved to talk. I was voted most talkative in high school. When he wore costumes, he would pose for the camera so slightly so glasses or hats would not fall off. We had so much in common because I love costumes! I felt like we were meant to have each other in our lives. We were best pals!
I’ve spent the week so sad and depressed. When I am down, I want to be alone and I haven’t been answering calls and texts. At first, I tried to pretend it didn’t happen so I didn’t want to talk about it. When I went in public, I cried at the grocery store, the tire store and today the coffee shop. Losing someone you love is one of the hardest things in life. You miss them so much.
Death is a concept I struggle to grasp. I’ve never been to a funeral and I don’t plan to ever have one when I die. There will only be a party and no one is allowed to wear black. Death is a reminder to the living that our lives are short. What Polar Bear taught me is to live. He was always happy and making me smile. You can learn so much from a dog.
Today I’ve been lost in thought. What does it mean to be alive? How many things have you talked about doing that you haven’t yet? We can’t control or plan our death but we always think we have time. You never know how much time you have. As a control freak, I’ve often wished I could plan how long I get to live and to control the weather. How many times have you wished for sunshine instead of rain or snow?
I found this on Pinterest, Have you ever thought this before?
It’s hard to believe in fairytale when I turn on the news and see another shooting, terrorist attack, or lose someone I love. But, I still believe in creating magic. After all, I have one life to live. They way I see it, if you only have one life to live, make sure it is a good one. Every time I hear a bad thing in the world, I try to go out and do something nice for either myself or for someone else. It makes me feel better.
Taking the Fairytale theme one step further, I’ve always wanted to make people’s wishes come true. Years ago, I talked to a friend about how great life would be if you just had a magic wand! How amazing would it be to just go around the world making wishes come true?
She shared a story about how a group of ladies in her community would leave gifts or do nice things for others when they heard someone needed something. They remained anonymous and left a note saying, “Your Fairy God Mother. ”
I have loved that story so much. How amazing is it that you can empower yourself to….
Be a Fairy GodMother
Today I realized, I have to come back to this story and create a Fairy GodMother movement. They say, create what you wish existed. I wish Fairy GodMothers existed. If you ever want to empower yourself just go create a little more magic in this Universe. I ask you to become a Fairy Godmother in your community. You can buy grocery store gift cards and donate them to a charity, open the door for a stranger, buy someones coffee, drop off a gift at someone’s doorstep. If you hear a horrible story on the news, empower yourself to do something good. I feel if everyone counteracted every horrible story we hear with some good in the world, we would create magic together. Living life is partly about helping other people and making the life we live a good one.
Maybe it was the coffee, maybe it was Polar Bear but here is my Facebook post from today.
(I also found this on Pinterest – I could also say this about Champagne too)
I’ve shared with a few friends an idea about creating a Fairy Godmother movement. I’ve always wished I could grant wishes for other people. So today, I walked into Cafe Giocondo and purchased a coffee for myself and then I thought, I should buy someone a coffee, so I told the girl that the next person that walks in I am paying for their coffee. I felt ridiculous telling her to say, “It’s from your Fairy Godmother.” so I didn’t do it. I drank my coffee and then decided, you know what it’s time to empower yourself to make a difference no matter how crazy it may sound. So I went back up to the counter and paid for a large coffee for whoever may walk in next. I told her my idea. This time, I said, “tell him or her this coffee is from your Fairy Godmother.” We all have the power to make wishes come true and make our world a nicer place. If you ever want to empower yourself and make a difference become a Fairy Godmother and make someones wish come true.
I will miss Polar Bear like crazy! He will always be remembered and he made a difference in my life. Now, it is time to be like Polar Bear and make a difference in someone else’s. We both love having fun and making people smile. Who knew your life could be so enriched by having a dog. That dog taught me so much about life.
I wish we had dressed up like Fairy Godmothers but here we are as bunnies.
While we are all different with different beliefs, and I may not be your cup of tea. I’ve been told so many times the Fairytale doesn’t exist. My rose-colored glasses mentality isn’t for everyone. I used to think I had to conform into something I wasn’t. Some of my ideas are so far from normal. When it comes to reality I choose what I see and where my focus lies. To me that is my reality and it is all that matters. I will continue to create a little magic, focus on the fun, wear tiaras, dressing up in costumes and working on creating my happily ever after. While I am still sad to go on living without Polar Bear, I’m still alive and its time to go create more magic in the Universe. While I am starring as the Princess in my own Fairytale I will also be a fairy godmother waving my wand trying to make people smile. I wish I had power to do huge things for people but remember it is the little things that matter most.
We once lost everything in a fire. I remember buying a few clothes, and I didn’t even have hangers to hang them on. My friend brought me hangers and I just cried. Hangers! They meant so much to me. Now that was my Fairy Godmother!
I wish you the best life ever imagined. Just go live it, be good to yourself, own your power and create a little magic along the way. Someday maybe you will be a fairy godmother or a FairyGodmother makes you smile.