They say if you are lucky to live in the mountains, you are lucky enough. I have a plaque on a wall to remind me of this quote. Living in the mountains brings a certain amount of peace and solitude.
I appreciate the beauty of wildlife and nature outside my window every day and thought I would share it with you. This week I realize just how connected we are with people and animals. All the wildlife that visits is inspiring and brings joy. Here is a photographic journey of the wildlife that comes to visit my home.
The Birds
Three Stellars Jay’s visit on a daily basis and they are quite noisy.

Stellars Blue Jay
The Chickadees are one of my favorites. One even flew in my house once and it took hours to get it out last Fall.
We don’t mind if the Woodpecker comes to dine on the bird feeder just don’t peck on the house.

A frenzy of birds visited last Friday
Finches visit all the time
We also have Crows and Hawks. The bird feeder has been a busy place during this stay at home order in Colorado. In the summer we will have lots of vibrant Hummingbirds whizzing around our heads as we sit on our deck at sunset.
The Coyote
Sunday morning as I was drinking my coffee when I noticed a gray animal coming up the hillside. At first, I thought it was a Fox, and then realized it was a Coyote. They are not liked in the neighborhood because they pose a threat to people’s pets. I do think they are beautiful animals so I ran outside with my camera and he stopped to pose for a photograph.
The Fox
Since our dogs passed away we have a regular Fox visitor. The Fox started hanging out in my rock garden last summer in the mornings when I sat in a rocking chair with my coffee. I talked to the Fox every time he visited and named him Foxy. Since then we have become quite used to one another.
This past weekend I was telling Foxy to get the Vole that has been hanging out eating my plants in our rock garden. Monday at sunset, Foxy was hanging out a few feet away and then he disappered. He came back with a large Vole with the tail sticking out of his mouth. Foxy happily paraded back and forth in front of me with his new catch. He looked me in the eye and considered dropping it on my foot. I was so glad when he decided to saunter off in a snowbank to eat his large catch of the day.
I read online that Foxes like balls and take them off golf courses or dog balls lying in yards. Last night when Foxy came to visit I bounced a tennis ball up and down. At first he was skittish and soon became increasingly interested in the ball. I gently bounced it over to him and he grabbed it with his mouth. When he let it go, it proceeded to roll down the mountain. Laughing my husband and I watched Foxy chase after it all the way down the hillside.
The Dog
Coloradoans are very dog friendly and almost all of my neighbors have dogs. On Sunday as Foxy and I were hanging together in the rock garden. I was zenning out with my face in the sun and Foxy was doing the same. A giant dog came running over a snowbank with intent eyes of catching Foxy. Foxes are quite fast and he outran the dog. The dog went crazy for about thirty minutes trying to figure out where the Fox went. On Tuesday evening another dog ended up chasing Foxy. Poor old Foxy must spend a lot of his time out running the local dogs in the neighborhood.
The Moose
We have Moose in our neighborhood frequently. Two weeks ago one relaxed on our neighbor’s backside porch most of the day. I haven’t seen a Moose in awhile but here is one that visited our yard previously.
If you are lucky to live in the mountains you are lucky enough.
I’ve loved animals ever since I was a little girl. Living in the mountains and having all the wildlife visits are entertaining and joyous. This may be the longest I’ve stayed at home for such an extended period. While I was supposed to be traveling this week, I realize how much I enjoy my home and where I live. I believe we are connected and here to help each other. And as they say, if you are lucky to live in the mountains you are lucky enough.
Sometimes I feel like Snow White living in the mountains.