Why you need to have a vacation planned
Vacations are good for your soul. They leave you feeling refreshed and renewed. They make life feel more exciting and adventurous. You get a new change of scenery! You come home feeling happier and look forward to your next vacation.
Here are the top reasons why you need to have a vacation planned.
To do things you don’t have time for
We get so busy in day to day life there isn’t always a lot of time. A vacation gives you time to enjoy things you love, like read a book, sleep in, get a massage, or try something new. Simply, plan a vacation to just do nothing. It feels good not to have an agenda sometimes. Or plan a vacation spending every minute doing something you love to do like sailing, wind-surfing, skiing, or hiking. When planning a vacation make sure you are going to spend part of it doing things you love but don’t have time for at home.
Bonnie recently took off for a 4- night vacation to Cancun. She has been to this area of Mexico many times. This was the first time in her life she never left the resort. It felt good to relax, sleep in, float around in a pool and read a book. She even did some day drinking too. This trip taught her the importance of rest and relaxation. She realized the significance that a vacation plays in your life. On vacation, you get to do things you don’t have time for at home. Plan a vacation just for the purpose of doing things you love to do. Sometimes it’s just a simple as needing rest and relaxation. To just do nothing, is ok.
A Change of Scenery
Live in the mountains? Plan a vacation to the beach. Live in a big city? Plan a trip to the country. Getting out of dodge and changing your scenery is inspiring. Go, where you’ve never gone before. Explore a new place and meet new people. You may feel more adventurous and life feels more exciting when you change locations. A vacation may just un-stuck you and give you a new zest for life. You will be refreshed and renewed when you go home. Changing your scenery is important to your life. You learn new places, try new foods, meet new people and it can change you. Change up your scenery quite often. Visit a nearby town close to home, or drive to another state, feel the freedom to go out and explore. Playing tourist near your hometown is always a fun thing to do. You will see where you live in a new light.
Go Solo
Solo vacations can be awesome because you learn so much about yourself. You gain more confidence and get to do exactly what you want on your time. Solo travel will definitely take you out of comfort zones and provide adventure.
Solo trips are even good for couples. It’s good to have some time apart to grow and miss each other. Everyone has different interests and it’s ok to spend time apart to pursue the things you love to do. Bonnie loves spa trips and exploring European cities. Gary loves dirt biking and snowmobiling.
Bonnie has traveled solo to Europe and Brazil. Her husband takes dirt bike trips to Costa Rica. It’s ok to travel solo even if you are married. Gary and Bonnie even met in Buenos Aires once after a solo trip. Solo trips can make you feel adventurous. You can be on your own schedule and plan your itinerary just to suit your taste and not someone else’s.
Jordan, Bonnie’s son just took off on a solo trip to Greece two days ago. He is 21. He will grow and be forever changed thru this experience. Travel enriches your life and helps you grow.
Use a Vacation to Re-Connect with a Loved One
Gary is Bonnie’s favorite traveling companion. Going on a trip with a significant other, use vacation time to bond and have fun together. Vacations are great for relationships, it’s time to talk, communicate, and to enjoy each other’s company. Pretend you are honeymooners all over again. We get busy with our lives, make it about quality time with the person you love. Hold hands, kiss, and act like teenagers again. Vacation time frees you from life’s distractions. Leading to the next big reason of why you need a vacation.
Take Time Away from Work, Social Media, Cell phones and Computers
Our society has become attached to our cell phones and techy devices. We can work 24/7 anywhere in the world with technology. Social Media is addictive. Use your vacation time to just be in the moment instead of looking through a lens. Have a real conversation and look into the eyes of another. Take a break and leave your computers home.
As a blogger, it’s hard to travel without wanting to take photos of everything. Bonnie’s recent vacation was not for blogging purposes. The laptop was left home. The I-phone was turned onto airplane mode to use as a camera. Social Media was only checked with coffee in the mornings. It was awesome! Take a break from the screens! You will enjoy your vacation so much more. We can be plugged in at all times, just shut it off for a while! You will be happier. Your vacation will teach you to take breaks from the cell phones and social media at home too.
A vacation planned gives you something to look forward too
Planning a vacation is fun! Notice how when you have a vacation planned it’s exciting, you can’t wait to go, and it seems like it will never get here fast enough. This is the biggest reason to always have a vacation planned. If you don’t have them planned, you may never go. You don’t have to go far. You can even make a stay-cation out of a vacation too! Play tourist in your hometown, go to a new restaurant, do something you’ve never done before. Get in your car and take a road trip for the weekend. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to go on a vacation. Buy a tent and go camp on a lake. There are so many things to do that are free like hiking, or check out free zoo and museum days in a city near you. Vacations are simply about spending time going someplace new and spending time doing things you love. Vacations are important and will give you so many more memories to look back on. Have you ever regretted going on vacation?
Bonnie will go on a vacation and when she gets home she starts planning the next one. Can you relate?
Vacations Make you Appreciate Your Home More
“Home Sweet Home.” Coming home is just as exciting as going somewhere. After a vacation, have you noticed how you can’t wait to sleep in your own bed? If you have pets, they are so happy to see you when you come home. Home is where the heart is, as they say. Traveling gives you more appreciation for your home life. Sometimes the grass isn’t always greener, and you realize you are right where you need to be. Once home, enjoy it, appreciate it, and then start planning your next vacation.
Big Smiles are to be had when you are on vacation. The purpose of living is to enjoy it. Simply put, just have some fun!
No matter where you go in this world, it’s important to simply enjoy life and live in the moment. Seeing new places, trying new things and taking time for yourself is why you need to go on a vacation.
Now, where is your next vacation?
Here’s to you planning one! Hope I inspired you to go somewhere!
Oh, and don’t forget to pack a pool float!
Do you believe I took this in my suitcase to Mexico? Gary was embarrassed but sometimes all you need is a Mango Margarita in your hand while relaxing on a pool float! Not too mention look how many drink holders there are!
If you like my float, you can get it on Amazon. It’s perfect for 2 people or to use as a party barge drink holder while floating. We met quite a few new friends in the pool! Who new day drinking, a little sun, and a pool float would be the perfect way to enjoy a vacation. I wasn’t the only one who brought a float either.
Super relaxed and chilling!
Are you thinking about where you want to go yet?