Women in Travel Summit Conference 2017
The Women in Travel Summit Conference 2017 was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Friday, April 21st 23rd, 2017 at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center. It is the premier event for women travel influencers and industry members. The event is organized by Beth Santos of Wanderful and her staff. This is the fourth year of this conference and approximately 400 women attended.
Why did Bonnie Attend?
- Bonnie’s blog was recently launched on April 1st, 2017.
- She wanted to make her website better WordPress tips, Security, SEO and all that techie stuff
- Learn how to take better photographs
- Learn more about the blogging industry
- Connect with other female bloggers
- Learn about social media platforms and how to rock on social media
What better way to learn about blogging than by attending the Women in Travel Summit Conference.
Being a newbie blogger there are mistakes to be made and a huge amount to learn!
” It is overwhelming! “
A blogger needs to know about WordPress, plug-ins, SEO, security, photography, social media, and media kits, A blogger needs to be a photographer, videographer, writer, and web designer. At the WITS conference, experienced bloggers understand what you are going through and are willing to share important information you. After all, they were a newbie once too. The sessions are valuable and you get new ideas and learn valuable tips and tricks to take home with you.
You know that saying, surround yourself with people you want to be like?
It is better to surround yourself with the people who make you envious. The more you surround yourself with people who you want to be like the more your life becomes amazing and inspiring. Just think of being in a room where everyone shares your same passion! The WITS conference does that! If your passion is travel blogging you will meet so many other women just like you.
There is nothing like being in a room filled with like-minded people who all share the same passion!
Opening Night
The Opening night on Friday, April 21st was held at the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee. There was a party for all the Women in Travel Summit Attendees. There was live music by Random Maxx, local food served by various restaurants and free admission to the Harley-Davidson Museum.

Opening Night- they had Cupcakes!
Opening Night is the time to mingle and make new friends. If travel is your passion, it’s fairly easy to go up and talk to someone. Ask what their blog is about and where their next destination is. Travel is the perfect conversation starter at #WITS17.

The Opening Night of #WITS17 was here. We even got free admission to tour the museum.
Bonnie’s Favorite Sessions
Build it Better; How to take your Blog from Drab to Fab
by Leticia Barr
She is known as the Tech Savvy Mama. Bonnie learned never to update all your plug in’s at the same time! Try using Hootsuite for Twitter or Grum for Instagram to schedule your posts. Spend your time doing what you love and hire out anything that causes you stress.

Leticia Barr of Tech Savvy Mama speaking at #WITS17
How to Seal the Deal with a Kickass Media Kit
by Jana Seitzer
Jana’s blog is Merlot Mommy and her website is geekgirldigital.com. Jana spoke about what to include in a media kit. Her various slides were filled with items we should add to our media kit. She taught about how to sell yourself and toot your own horn. “Go pro or go home,” she said.
How to Pitch & Land Travel Assignments for Travel Magazines & How it can SkyRocket your Career
by Gabi Logan.
Gabi, said to use your blog as your marketing tool. Analyze the magazines you wish to write for. What is their tone? Who is their audience? If you are a newbie like me she recommends writing a personal story if you have never been published before. She is a writing coach and has a book, ” The Six-Figure Travel Writing Road Map.”
Master Travel Blogging in Mid-Life Panel Discussion
by Sara Broers, Anne Parris & Suzanne Stavert
Own your blog and be authentic. “A raising tide raises all boats.” was Bonnie’s favorite quote she heard at the conference. Reply back to all comments on your website and social media. Build a relationship with your readers and sponsors. The age spending the most money on travel is 47! Woo Hoo! Mid-Lifer’s rock! This session was fun and enjoyable especially since Bonnie is in her 40’s and doesn’t want to wear bikini’s all over the world posing in her Instagram photographs.
KeyNote Closing Session
by Danica Kombol
Bonnie loved listening to Danica Kombol of the Everywhere Agency. She is a guru when it comes to social media. Danica was animated and shared her personal journey with us. It was a touching experience Bonnie could relate to. Life isn’t always easy no matter how successful you become. We all have the talent to pursue, don’t waste it! Oh, add a Rwanda Gorilla trek to your bucket list! Did you know that Gorilla’s wear Prada???
The Dream Post-It Note Wall
Walt Disney said, ” If you can dream it, you can do it. ” Every girl’s got to have a dream. The Women in Travel Summit shared lots of goals and dreams together on this beautiful mirrored wall.

The Post- It Note Goal & Dream Wall- Bonnie’s post- it read ” Self Publish a Book”
Women in Travel Summit Re-cap
The Women in Travel Summit will leave you exhausted because so much is packed in one weekend. You will leave with inspiration and the ability to make your blogging business better. After the sessions, you can sign up to meet with Mentors or have a one on one with Sponsors. They added 10 minutes group sessions with sponsors this year and it was a chance to learn about what they are looking for in media kits and about what their city offers. Visit Savannah, Visit Milwaukee, Visit Oklahoma, Visit Janesville, and Visit Quebec City were present. You can visit the Women in Travel Summit Conference website for a complete list of sponsors.
The best part of the conference is connecting with other women and making new friends. Bonnie heard many women say, ” Just email me if you have any questions, I’d be happy to share information with you.” “Let’s connect on social media.” “Let’s meet up when you come to town.” Women were planning trips together and offering places to stay at the end of the event. There isn’t a feeling of competition in this conference but a spirit of sharing to help one another. The women attending this conference were encouraging, inspirational and empowering. The Women in Travel Summit is about bonding, connecting and building relationships with others.
After all, ” Rising tides raise all boats.”
Women in Travel Summit 2018 is in Quebec City!!

Next year the #WITS18 will be in Quebec City
Will you be there?
Quebec City has always been on Bonnie’s Travel Bucket List. Dreams really do come true when you attend the Women in Travel Summit. It is May 4-6th, 2018. Bonnie is planning on it. It’s the perfect time during mud season in the Colorado Rockies. Not only is this great news but the conference will be held at the Fairmont Le Chateau de Frontenac.
One tip if coming Bring lots of business cards!
It’s time to start practicing French!

Bonnie got a selfie with the Bronze Fonz in MKE!
If you attend next year let’s meet up for a cocktail happy hour before the event!
Reach out and say hi! Bonnie would love to meet you.
You can email her at bonnie@itsabonniething.com
Au Revoir for now!
Until we meet again in 2018!